How to Guides for Web
Quick links to our How to Guides for Web
How to manage new content in your dashboard
This guide will show you how to efficiently manage your content as it’s found by Localize and brought into your dashboard in web-based projects. You will learn how to manage your first batch of content and new content going forward, along with how to use various Localize features to streamline your content management efforts.
How to translate a dynamic web application
This guide will show you how to translate your dynamic web application. There are many ways you can tailor what content is brought into your Localize dashboard for website translation. With a little bit of prep work you can streamline your localization team’s workflow, and save money if you are purchasing human translations.
How to prevent specific content from being detected by Localize
There may be some content in your application that needs to stay untranslated for various reasons. Preventing this content from coming in to your Localize dashboard will make your implementation even more efficient. If you have email addresses, dates/times, SKUs, counters, or other variables you can use the following methods to tell Localize to ignore this content. Read more...
How to automatically publish machine translations for your project
This guide will walk you through the process of setting up Localize to automatically generate and publish machine translations without manually moving phrases from Pending to Published.
How to translate an Angular web application
This guide will summarize how to translate your dynamic AngularJS or Angular 2+ web application using Localize.
How to translate a React web application
This guide will summarize how to translate your dynamic React web application using Localize.
How to translate dates and times
Dates and times are commonly found on many websites and mobile apps, and the localization of dates varies from language to language. To solve this problem, you can use several external libraries to convert dates to formats used in other languages. Read more...
How to translate ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers are sometimes found in many websites and mobile apps, and their conversion varies from language to language. To solve this problem, you can use several external libraries to convert ordinal number formats used in other languages. Read more...
How to translate currency
Phrases that contain currency in them are found on many websites and mobile apps, and their conversion varies from language to language. To solve this problem, you can use several external libraries to convert currency formats used in other languages. Read more...
Multilingual SEO
- Our Multilingual SEO guide gives you an overview of best practices for multilingual SEO.
- Our Advanced SEO Guide contains guidelines and best practices for optimizing search on your multilingual site.
- Using language subdomains to structure your multilingual site is a recommended best practice for optimizing SEO.
- Using language subdirectories to structure your multilingual site is a recommended best practice for optimizing SEO.
Updated 10 months ago