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maximum length of a phraseKey?

How long can a phrase key be? and what are the character limitations? are there any banned characters?


Specify variable within a meta tag

Because I see no way of defining a variable without using a tag which is not possible.


How to exclude localize from translating an angular widget that launches from our website

We launch an angular widget which has its own translating capabilities and would like to exclude this from our website from being detected by the localize script. Using a notranslate attribute or ignore attribute have been tried and do not work. We notice the widget application becomes extremely slow to respond when the localize script is active.


How to connect translater widget with sub domain

created a sub domain A record of hi in server (AWS router 53) , by adding mannually the language is translating but i need to connect to the widget when the user clicks on hindi tab that time, sub domain hi is automatically add to the url and when i click on english tab the hi sub domain remove and translate from hindi to english to achive this behaviour i crated cutomized widget following are the code:


Localize is translating the user entered values as well.

We are using react js MUI. To avoid translation we are added translate="no" to the <textField but the problem is it is also not translating the input label. How to solve this issue?


Forgot to remove a console.log?

We found a console.log that seems to log every part marked with notranslate


XHR error POST

I am getting this error log on production. Now sure why this is happening. How can I solve this issue?