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The Whole Page Does Not Translate Until a Page Reload

When we switch from English to French, some pages do not completely translate until the page is refresh. Once that is done, it then will be translated when the page is revisited. Is there a way to make sure the whole page translates w/o a page reload?

Localize Month Year combinations?

We have the following phrases we'd like translated: May 2021 May 2020 May 2019 etc.... Next year, of course, there will be a May 2022. Without having to go in and approve each of those individually, how can we localize "May NNNN"? I tried using variables using: "May {{year}}" Unfortunately it also catches phrases like the following: "May we contact you via email" Thank you, Justin

Search by phrase text API

Is there an API end-point that could be used to search for phrases by text? It is not feasible to get all phrases via `/phrases` and go one by one to find the phrase I'm interested in so that I can update its translation. I can see there's an internal API used by the In-Context Editor to get a phrase by exact match, would this be made available in the public API?

Another date formatting question

We have many places in our application where we display the date in the following format: 01 Jan 2021 (DD MMM YYYY) Is there a way we can mark these instances in HTML with an attribute or something that would let Localize know that it should translate it? Currently every date is getting put in our Pending queue. I see this discussion from a while back but don't know if any progress had been made on it? Thank you, Justin

How can I translate Iframe Language?

How can I translate Iframe Language?

Is Localize compatible with SSRS?

We have SSRS reports generated in our application, but localize does not identify the words inside report. How can we go about it?

Identify language

Is there any way where whenever we change the language in application by Localize widget, an event must be fired so that according to the language set, I can do changes to my UI or content?

Unable to write Unit test cases for Localize methods and its failed with issue

I have used localizejs on my Angular project and I started writing unit test cases for all my components but it failed with the below error as Localize global variable is found undefined on spec files. Error: ReferenceError: Localize is not defined Let me know if I am doing any wrong implementation of my test cases in respect to Localize. Thanks

Can't get Localize.on("initialize") to fire after initialization

I'm trying to use the `on initialize` example that is mentioned in the docs: ```js Localize.on("initialize", function(data) { console.log("initialize: "); console.log(data); }); ``` Here's my full script: ```js (function(d, script) { script = d.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.async = true; script.onload = function(){ !function(a){if(!a.Localize){a.Localize={};for(var e=["translate","untranslate","phrase","initialize","translatePage","setLanguage","getLanguage","detectLanguage","getAvailableLanguages","untranslatePage","bootstrap","prefetch","on","off","hideWidget","showWidget","getSourceLanguage"],t=0;t<e.length;t++)a.Localize[e[t]]=function(){}}}(window); Localize.initialize({ key: 'xxx', rememberLanguage: true, saveNewPhrasesFromSource: true, }); Localize.on("initialize", function(data) { console.log("initialize: "); console.log(data); }); }; script.src = ''; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }(document)); ``` Right now ` Localize.initialize` works and I'm able to see the widget. The only thing not working is ` Localize.on("initialize", function(data) {`. It never fires the console.logs. Thanks.

Can we create a way to avoid sending filenames to the dashboard

Is there a way as a developer when writing the website without access to the dashboard that I can avoid the phrases I am writing from being sent to the localise.js dashboard? For example, filenames or system logs should not be sent to the localize dashboard.